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i think i can feel reverberations of something further downstream

TWO POEMS By Lily Holloway

i am worried things will never be okay

because i slept all day

i woke wondering why i could hear the sea and thought maybe

the very tops of the trees were moving in the wind

just the very tops

but it was your laptop overheating


in the night i pull a fragile train behind me

a blanket trailing in earth

not like how illegally released koi

are dragged over the rocks

because they are ornamental and inedible

on their way to be put into the meat grinder on the back of a flatbed truck


i dream i am scooby doo from the original 60s version

in the supermarket of the afterlife where everything is free

and each drink is exactly what you needed

but didn’t know you needed

where you shoot rusted clockwork birds moving on rails around the castle walls

only to have them pop up again


a toaster is passed over my head and i tell my sister

to make her own ekphrastic postcards

and that koi skulls are sensitive to vibrations

they feel fingertips or bootlaces falling into the river

and flee in an orange rushing that you have to see to believe

like fanta

The Thing

in the suburbs


an unplugged freezer


[someone’s been in]


over the dishes


she falls




tries to read the cereal box


[but it swims]


light on the harbour


and a sound of cicadas


concussions without impact






a miniaturised headquarters


view the facade from the balcony


cigarettes in the ashtray


someone has poisoned the dog




seismic wave


through the walls


lobbed like tennis balls




all you can do


is get off the X




immaculate concussion


[empty watch stations]


a mysterious water pump


& microwave






a focus of energy


like burning ants


dissolving fibres


around nerves


bubbling arterial blood




a child in that alcove


or just an old cold lingering?

Lily Holloway is a 21-year old English and Ancient History major at The University of Auckland. You can find her work in Mayhem, The Three Lamps, The Spinoff and on her website (

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