This is a love poem
Three poems by Hannah Patterson
If i could i would
angle the sun towards your face, so for once you could be
brazen in the heat &
cradled in light.
Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten
eels in the ocean,
grass-grazen kisses on your ankles,
how each night
i pull the moon
jagged to your window like a
like look at me i’m languid and lovely, i’m
mist made molten in your beam
If i could i would say
no more dragging yesterdays
over every crack, no more
patiently waiting to see what
quietly slips, holding down lips.
Running over every hill, if i could i’d take you
someplace where only the light gets in and
tell them about the sky how i split it, held it,
under the underpass where the cars were like rain, and
vivid was my face from the
weight of it all, for you Libby i was
exactly where i was supposed to be,
you take every
zero i’ve ever known & you throw them across the sea.
New Year
Had it been a mistake,
To turn my back?
The car wound its way up the
Golden hill. Led me to a
Valley of sandflies. Just past
The pounding mass of people
Losing their minds at the river’s edge.
Scraping at the edges of ecstasy. Glacial
Streams. Mountainous clumps of grass.
Pulled like a fistful of hair.
If I could disintegrate I would.
Collect the last dregs of fire wood.
Sure and crisp and still.
Believe that you represented the
Something I’d always suspected I lacked.
A body dancing in the heat. A
Castle carved into sand. Music
Too light for me to comprehend.
Maybe it was wrong to place you
At the top of the stairs like that. To
Pretend your heart was a chest of
Drawers, like there were things
In there that I needed. But there
Were things in there that I needed.
Things I would only ever
Lady bird
Feeble, we were
riding the bus like
burrowing through soil.
We pasted our smiles
on backwards. Pacing
the waterfront. Slipping
The past like a distant bell, a
were-wolf in a far-off
village. We swapped secrets
Like aniseed wine. Like
ladybugs slipped under
skirts. You made me
Feel like a fugitive. Mud,
hardening at your touch. Like
I was some caged
Beast and you were the
dancer. More than any
thing I wanted to leave.
More than that, I wanted
to watch you dance. There
is something golden about you.
It crumbled like sugar,
in my animal hands.
Hannah P is a writer in Wellington. She likes reading books and barking up the wrong tree.