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Break down

By Claire Myer

Break up and break down.

Once so close, now someone I hate.


Neurotically organising stationary.

Maybe I'm stressed.


Maybe I'm stressed about not wanting to be in the city I am in,

But also wanting to stay near my friends.

Starting all over again is hard.


Or maybe I'm stressed about the fact that all of my ex's are now happy with their respective


And I'm alone.

Not content with myself, not content with others.


Maybe I'm stressed about the idea of being stressed because I know my skin manifests it.


Maybe I'm stressed about the hole I swear I have in my tooth.

Even though the dentist took an x-ray and told me the opposite.

How can your brain make you feel like there's a hole when there's not?

I just don't believe it.


I’m definitely stressed.

Claire Myer is a primary school teacher in Auckland Central.

She enjoys writing journal entries in her spare time.

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